
NIS Public-Private PlatformOn the 18th of September 2014 RFSAT Ltd has joined the NIS Public-Private Platform of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA).

The establishment of the NIS Public-Private Platform of ENISA was announced in the Cybersecurity Strategy of the European Union. It shares the same objective as the Cybersecurity Strategy (pdf) and the NIS Directive (pdf) , i.e. to foster the resilience of the networks and information systems which underpin the services provided by market operators and public administrations in Europe. The NIS Platform will help implement the measures set out in the NIS Directive and ensure its convergent and harmonised application across the EU. Three working groups have been launched:

Working groups are cross-cutting with all relevant sectors represented. They seek to identify cross cutting / horizontal best practices. If relevant, sector-specific work could be undertaken at a later stage. Incentives to adopt best practices will be addressed in each working group. The findings of the Platform will feed into Commission recommendations on cybersecurity to be adopted in 2014