FP7-ICT-2007 "SeaCoop" (215330)

Further developing strategic RandD cooperation with South-East Asia on ICT

Objective:    The SEACOOP project addresses the development of SandT cooperation on ICT with Southeast Asia, a region of strategic interest for the European Union. Its two main objectives are to identify, promote, and support strategic cooperation opportunities, and to support bilateral and multilateral dialogues. The project also aims at developing awareness on SandT cooperation on ICT under FP7 in Southeast Asia, and at widely disseminating project perspectives and results in the European and Southeast Asian ICT communities. The SEACOOP project is formally supported, on the European side, by leading organisations, including the main ETPs, which will ensure the highest involvement of, and the highest project impact on, the European ICT community.

Funded by: Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-ICT)

Subprogramme Area: International cooperation

Contract type: Coordination and support actions (CSA)

Time frame: 1st October 2007 - 31st March 2009

Duration: 18 months

Project cost: 839908 EURO

Project Funding: 584000 EURO

WEB portal: http://seacoop.eu (CORDIS)

RFSAT joined: 25th of May 2012 as a member of the SME Stakeholders Group

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