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SEC-21-GM "NO-FEAR" (786670)

"Network of Practitioners for Emergency Medical Systems and Critical Care"

Funding program: H2020-SEC-2016-2017-2

Research area: SEC-21-GM-2016-2017 - Pan European Networks of practitioners and other actors in the field of security

Funding instrument: CSA - Coordination and support action

Time frame: 1st of June 2018 to 31st of May 2023 (5 years)

RFSAT Participates in the NO-FEAR project as a member of the Suppliers and Academia Network.

The emergency medical care in the EU is very fragmented and includes population, emergency medical services, volunteers, hospitals and cooperation with fire services, police and authorities. It needs to be able to respond to new threats and assist casualties after security incidents. In response to this challenge, NO-FEAR proposes to bring together a pan-European network of practitioners, decision and policy makers in the medical and security fields. They will collaborate to achieve a common understanding of stakeholder needs, and in collaboration with academia and industries, to increase EU innovation potential such that it could better address operational gaps and recommend areas for future innovations.

Project objectives:

  • create a long-lasting community of practitioners
  • interact with a network of suppliers and academia
  • elaborate an innovation roadmap with practical recommendations for uptake
  • advise relevant Research and Innovation projects
  • support market uptake of EU research results
  • issue policy and regulatory recommendations enabling collective procurement
  • indicate priorities for standardisation
  • support quick wins and practical short term results
  • implement a dynamic portal providing a catalogue and market place to address new threats

The project is executed by a consortium of 18 partners, including 11 practitioners, and supported by the EC Community of Users. It combines acute care, operations and training, supported by large networks. An ambitious strategy has been established to disseminate and exploit NO-FEAR recommendations, including workshops, demonstrations and communication events every 6 months. This enables knowledge sharing, building a common understanding and promote innovation uptake by organising technology showcases and demonstrations in real environments of practitioners.

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