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Horizon 2020 - Reflective-7-2014 "Scan4Reco"

Multi-modal Scanning of Cultural Heritage Assets for their multi-layered digitization and preventive conservation via spatio-temporal 4D Reconstruction and 3D Printing

Funding program: Reflective-7 theme of the Horizon 2020

Research area: (a) "Research on cost-effective technologies for advanced 3D modelling to enhance the understanding of cultural heritage"

Time frame: 1st October 2015 - 30th September 2018

Participation: full partner (322.500 € funding)

More info &

RFSAT activities include:

  • Development and implementation of the advanced 3D scanning and modelling algorithms, suitable for the specific needs of the cultural heritage protection applications, including visual, infrared and xRF scanning, combined with semantic feature extraction and reconstruction.
  • 3D reconstruction and modeling of scanned pieces of art, offering the ability to dynamically identify and track temporal changes to both surface and internal material structure of the materials.
  • Multi-sensory data acquisition, storage and information management.
  • Distributed and cloud deployments aimed at possible improvement of service RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safe-ty) and the resilience of the overall data management sub-system.
  • Security related activities will also strengthen cyber-security of data stored and exchanged.

RFSAT demonstration Video

3D Photogrammetric Scanning for SCAN4RECO 

Demo video of RFSAT contribution to deliverable D4.3
on "Surface, RTI and 3D Microprofilometry Prototype"
19th November 2017

3D Gallery of Research and Development Projects in Virtual Reality

3D Gallery software, developed with Unreal Engine version 4.18,
demonstrates 3D modelling results from international funded
research projects of RFSAT

The 3D Gallery software includes results from such research projects of RFSAT as:

The Gallery3D can be downloaded from: An online version can be found HERE.

Acknowledgement: The virtual environment has been built using a 3D model showcase tool "The Gallery" by Dean Hulton.


RFSAT Publications reporting on its results in SCAN4RECO project:

Open Access Datasets:

  • Collection of 3D models of various Cultural Heritage objects produced during evaluation process of diverse 3D photogrammetric algorithms. Those include objects, such as flat Byzantine icons and paintings, as well as Venetian Carnival Masks with complicated shapes. Due to large sizes of original models, only simplified and low-resolution versions are provided here. HIgher-resolution ones are available on request.

 Project newsletters produced by RFSAT:

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