H2020-SPACE-EGNSS-3-2020 "AgriBIT" (820999-2)

"Artificial intelliGence applied to pRecision farmIng By the use of GNSS and Integrated Technologies"

Funding program: SU-SPACE-EGNSS-3-2019-2020

Focus areaBuilding a low-carbon, climate resilient future (LC)

Topic: LC-CLA-04 Resilience and sustainable reconstruction of historic areas to cope with climate change and hazard events

Funding instrument: RIA - Research and Innovation Action


Time frame: 1 July 2021 - 30 June 2024

AgriBIT aims to increase the precision, accuracy and continuity of services to deliver improved Precision Agriculture (PA) services to farmers, leading to a reduction in costs through decreased use of inputs (water, energy, fertilisers, pesticides), lower environmental impacts and increased production yields. It positions its innovations both at the level of intervention on the field and the capturing of the effects of PA over time, intelligently exploiting the information acquired before, during and after direct intervention on the field.

AgriBIT combines augmented GNSS and EO information with 1) on-field and on-machine sensors and actuators, and 2) expert agricultural knowledge to deliver simple, high precision and continuously available services. It develops and extends advanced Artificial Intelligence algorithms to fully exploit this rich set of inputs to recommend actions to farmers building on past history and present context and to ease their workload through improved automation.

AgriBIT delivers operational services (3 GNSS-enabler services, 8 GNSS-enabled services) and 1 European sourced high precision GNSS affordable receiver that cover the complete value chain of PA, from monitoring to application and precise and automated machinery guidance. With 70% of European farmers active in small to medium operations, AgriBIT’s European sourced high precision GNSS receiver at an affordable price is a major technological and societal contribution to Europe’s farming community.

AgriBIT delivers collaboration services supporting farmers and service advisors, but also 3rd party developers for whom open interfaces are provided both at service level and as channels for advanced Big Data Analytics innovations.

Over 36 months, AgriBIT includes 20 months piloting at 3 locations, 12 months testing of collaboration services and delivers TRL-8 results. AgriBIT involves 5 solution providers (4 SMEs), 1 research centre and 2 farmers cooperatives with 11.250 members.

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