
Started a new project: COST Action CA21102:
"Toolkit of Care"
Time frame: 2022-2026

An interdisciplinary group of creative practitioners, academics, researchers and arts/crafts organisations that specialise in creative technologies and that have considerable experience in the production and dissemination of this kind of knowledge across Europe and internationally, have come together to form a “critical network of care”. The Action’s network will collaborate to share their collective expertise and technical knowledge employed in creative ways to develop knowledge and methodologies of care. The main aim is to produce a well formulated and integrated TOOLKIT OF CARE and comprising articles, prototypes, audiovisual documentation, technical manuals, theoretical analysis, prototypes, and data. It will act as a model of how to successfully share knowledge and expertise across different geographical regions and social groups.

For more info refer to: http://www.rfsat.com/index.php/en/research/projects/cost-ca21102.html

Started a new project: COST Action CA21142:
"Fruit tree Crop Responses to Water Deficit and Decision Support Systems Application"
Time frame: 2022-2026

This Action aims at understanding the physiological behaviour of fruit tree crops in response to drought stress, in different environments, and identifying the best tools to monitor plant water status in real time while allowing growers to precisely schedule irrigation through the adoption of new technologies. Activities will focus on:

  • identifying the most useful physiological parameters to quantify drought stress using cost-effective and user-friendly sensor tools
  • comparing and assessing the performance of existing models to quantify plant water needs under drought, for possible implementation in decision support systems (DSSs)
  • defining the most effective (deficit) irrigation strategies for different crops and environments
  • identifying gaps for improving existing DSSs based on the knowledge generated by the network, while taking actions to facilitate their diffusion among stakeholders and adoption by end-users.

Results from this Action will provide relevant information for making a step forward towards a more sustainable irrigation management of European orchards. In cooperation with researchers, SMEs, service providers, local water authorities and fruit producers, knowledge resulting from this network activity will be disseminated to a wide spectrum of European stakeholders and to the general public, making European fruit production more resilient and raising awareness of the problems related to water scarcity.

For more info refer to: http://www.rfsat.com/index.php/en/research/projects/cost-ca21142.html

ARCH Final Event banner

at the site of the International Maritime Museum in Hamburg (Germany)

This event marks the closing of the ARCH project, with objectives to:

  • Bring the project to a close
  • Showcase project results (tools, etc.) from ARCH and other projects
  • Provide a high-level event to raise visibility of the theme of resilience and cultural heritage
  • Cite publication to “set the scene” with the state of play, given project outcomes
  • Incorporate/involve and highlight the EU Task Force
  • Provide networking opportunity

for more details refer to the event site at: https://savingculturalheritage.eu/events?c=search&uid=V0R7J6Zw

it can be watched live at: http://www.rfsat.com/index.php/en/research/projects/project-h2020-arch/arch-final-event.html

Started a new project: COST Action CA21138:
"Joint effects of CLimate Extremes and Atmospheric depositioN on European FORESTs"
Time frame: 2022-2026

CLEANFOREST will establish an inclusive and multidisciplinary pan-European network, which capitalizes on existing expertise and infrastructures (monitoring networks, manipulation experiments) to i) coordinate research efforts (e.g. data collection), ii) compare approaches and define common protocols to standardize measurements and methods used in global change studies, and iii) foster collaboration among different research groups to exchange and synthesize data, thus contributing to advancing scientific knowledge, identifying research gaps and providing suggestions for the next generation manipulation experiments and monitoring networks. Finally, CLEANFORST will benefit from the participation of key stakeholders (policymakers, small companies developing low-cost and effective instruments for environmental monitoring, citizen associations), by promoting mutual synergies to fulfil the urgent need of evidence-based solutions to policy, societal and technological challenges.

For more info refer to: http://www.rfsat.com/index.php/en/research/projects/cost-ca21138.html

Persona Theatre logo RFSAT logo

Performance: «Enter Hamlet»

22nd of August 2022 at 21.00pm

at Verona Shakespeare Fringe Festival

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