FP7-ICT-2011 "NetSoC" (317105)

Networked Society

Objective: The strategic objective of the Networked Society project is to define the requirements for future networks that can seamlessly support the Networked Society of 2020. This will be achieved by enabling an informed dialogue and policy debate between the terrestrial, satellite and content delivery communities and the industrial and social application sectors. This project will create new and lasting relationships between the players in the various sectors and the ICT community which will enable a new set of rich cross sector collaborations.

This work is timely as the exponential growth of traffic in networks and between devices of all types, as part of the emerging Network Society scenario, is already happening and likely to accelerate as M2M communications, augmented reality and many other bandwidth-hungry applications become commonplace. The lead-time needed to generate evolutions in infrastructure capability and capacity is much greater than the time needed to conceive and develop the new generations of amazingly powerful and communications rich services so action now will ensure the correct positioning of the ICT networks issues in Horizon2020.

European ICT infrastructure evolution must not only keep pace with the complex applications and services of the networked society, but it must also understand and anticipate the emergence of sustainable business models in partnership with the sectors. This is important for the European society and economy and to maintain European competitiveness on a global scale.

The objectives of the Networked Society Coordination Action will be achieved through the creation of agendas and position papers, the enhancement of these positions through a continuous dialogue between the sector specific actors and the ICT community, and a wide scale dissemination of the elaborated requirements. This cycle of creation, elaboration, and dissemination will be iteratively employed through the life of the project.

Funded by: Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-ICT)

Objective: ICT-2011.1.1 - Future Networks

Contract type: Coordination and Support Action (CSA)

Time frame: From: 07/2012 To: 06/2014

Duration: 24 months

Project cost: 1311001 EURO

Project Funding: 999000 EURO

WEB portal: http://netsoc.future-internet.eu (CORDIS)

RFSAT joined: 9th of November 2012 as a Member of the Expert Group

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